Data & Research

Courts shall collect, at a minimum a mandatory set of performance measures determined by the Council of Accountability Court Judges which shall be provided quarterly to the Standards and Certification Committee. The CACJ Accountability Courts Data Collection Manual should be utilized each quarter as a guide to collecting state required data metrics. Please be sure to communicate with Rachel Meyer, Data & Research Program Manager, if you have questions about data collection.

Data Reporting

Each court that accepts state grant funds during the state’s fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) must submit program metrics each quarter.

Request Data Technical Assistance

To request data technical assistance, complete the form and please include details pertaining to questions or areas of need.

Technical assistance may include but is not limited to improving what data your program collects, how to interpret data reports, stakeholder engagement using data, and data pull and analytics

Rachel Meyer, CACJ’s Data & Research Program Manager, will contact you to schedule the site visit.

Statewide Reports

CACJ has also conducted two specific studies to determine the overall effectiveness of accountability courts.

Download this pdf file. Economic Impact Study

Download this pdf file. Processes & Outcomes Report