CACJ Mentor Program

The CACJ Mentor Program application window opens November 28, 2022 and will end December 30, 2022. Information for interested participants is found below for each program.
Coordinator Mentor Program
Since 2015 the Council of Accountability Court Judges (CACJ) has supported the accountability courts in Georgia by funding an administrative position within these programs most commonly known as the coordinator. The coordinator serves as the program’s administrator and is responsible for the following: program fidelity, human resources, contracting, maintaining court administrative records, certification, fiscal responsibilities, grant writing and grants management.
The scope of duties associated with the coordinator position are vast and varied. To support this vital position the CACJ is pleased to offer the Coordinator Mentor Program as a form of technical assistance (TA) to the courts. This TA will provide a structured method for an experienced coordinator (mentor) to work closely with a less experienced (or new) coordinator (mentee) to provide one-on-one training and guidance in the area of accountability court administration. CACJ will work to provide a minimum of one mentor coordinator per judicial district.
Coordinator Mentor Program Mentor and Mentee Roles and Responsibilities
Coordinator Mentor Program Overview and Application for Mentors and Mentorship
Coordinator Mentor Program Acknowledgment Form
Case Manager Mentor Program
Since 2015 the Council of Accountability Court Judges (CACJ) has supported the accountability courts in Georgia by funding an administrative position within these programs most known as the case manager. The case manager supports the program’s coordinator and is responsible for the following: monitoring participant compliance, data entry, record keeping, coordinating special projects, and locating community resources.
The scope of duties associated with the case manager position are vast and varied. To support this vital position the CACJ is pleased to offer the Case Manager Mentor Program as a form of technical assistance (TA) to the courts. This TA will provide a structured method for an experienced case manager (mentor) to work closely with a less experienced (or new) case manager (mentee) to provide one-on-one training and guidance in the area of accountability court administration. CACJ will work to provide a minimum of one mentor case manager per judicial circuit.
Case Manager Mentor Program Mentor and Mentee Roles and Responsibilities
Case Manager Mentor Program Overview and Application for Mentors and Mentorship
Case Manager Mentor Program Acknowledgment Form