Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) Facilitator Training
This virtual training is specific to treatment providers. The training consists of four days of instruction (approximately 32 hours) to learn the MRT curriculum and the use of MRT with “treatment resistant” clients. The Intensive training uses lectures, discussions, and experiential exercises to explore the dynamics and basic personality traits of clients. Includes presentation of the outcome research on MRT effectiveness and a demonstration and explanation of the MRT method (primary characteristics, evolution, and application) as a cognitive-behavioral treatment. The training includes up to four hours of additional “homework” that prepares trainees to facilitate MRT group counseling. The CACJ Training Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is required to attend this training.
Registration has ended.
- Accountability Court Coordinators are primary contact for each training. Coordinators will receive all registration announcements. They will be responsible for registering team members to training, and providing detailed training instructions to the registered attendee.