2024 Annual Conference Awards


Each year CACJ recognizes several outstanding accountability court professionals for their accomplishments and contributions to the accountability court team. Nomination forms for the Accountability Court STAR Awards and Judge Stephen S. Goss Mental Health Award will open June 12, 2024- July 19, 2024. Questions about the award nominations can be directed to Sacha Greene. 

Accountability Court STAR Awards

As in years past, we want to recognize team members across the state for their hard work and dedication to accountability courts. CACJ will recognize one person from each team role listed below for the Star award. A Star award nominee can be characterized as someone on your accountability court team who is a team player, implemented something unique, maintains a positive attitude, understands their role on the team, adapts well to change, and is a critical part to the team’s success.

  • Case Manager
  • Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)
  • Coordinator/Director
  • Defense Attorney
  • DFACS Case Manager
  • FTC Attorney (SAAG, Parent Attorney or Child Attorney)
  • Judge
  • Peer Support Specialist
  • Prosecutor
  • Probation
  • Law Enforcement/Surveillance Officer
  • Treatment Provider
  • Veteran Mentor Coordinator



Judge Stephen S. Goss Mental Health Award

In memory of the late Judge Stephen S. Goss, the Council of Accountability Court Judges has created an award to honor his life and legacy as a nationally recognized expert on mental health. One mental health court team member will receive this award and be recognized across the state for outstanding contributions in the field. Criteria for nominees include: 1) must have worked with the mental health court for at least three years, 2) their efforts have had a far-reaching impact and demonstrate a commitment to improving the lives of the participants, and 3) they’ve assisted with raising awareness about mental health and the mental health court in the community.



Data Driven Award

The Council of Accountability Court Judges (CACJ) seeks submissions for the 2024 Data Driven Award. Why should a court consider this award? This award recognizes the winning program with a special presentation at the annual training conference in October along with a supplemental grant award (up to $15,000) to be used for a program evaluation! Questions about the Data Driven Award can be directed to Rachel Meyer. 

Download this pdf file. Data Driven Award Eligibility Criteria 


Winners will be announced during the awards ceremony at the 2024 conference.  

For additional information about award nominations, please contact: